Suite 407, San Clinic, Sydney Adventist Hospital, 185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga 2076
Tel: 02-9480-8728

Hospital In-Patients – Please fax referral to San Radiology (02 9480 9845) and the ward will be notified of booking.
In-Hour Emergency Cases – Please fax referral to San Radiology (02 9480 9845) AND call ext. 9821 (Angiography Suite) or San Radiology Team Leader (0429 012 851).
After Hour Emergency Cases – Please contact On-Call Radiologist and fax referral to San Radiology (02 9480 9845). On-Call Roster can be viewed through the San Pulse Intranet.
Please be advised that all E.D. patients scheduled for procedures must be admitted as Hospital In-Patient under Sydney IR or another clinician, in order to receive “gap covering” benefit from health funds.
Elective Cases – Please send us referral with patient's contact via email or fax (02 9520 5320). We will call and liaise with patient.
Sydney IR consulting rooms at Suite 407 San Clinic
The office will be open from 9am to 5pm.
Please email, fax (02 9520 5320), or ask the patient to bring their referral letter/form with relevant scans to our office.
If the office is unattended after hours, please leave referral and relevant scans at San Radiology Reception, Level 3, Sydney Adventist Hospital
Useful Contacts
In-Patient I.R. Booking – Ext 9850
San Radiology Team Leader - 0429 012 851
Angio Control Room – Ext 9821
CT I.R. Room – Ext 4325
Elective Case for Sydney I.R. – 02 9480 8728
Sydney I.R. fax number - 02 9520 5320
San Radiology fax number - 02 9480 9845