Suite 407, San Clinic, Sydney Adventist Hospital, 185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga 2076
Tel: 02-9480-8728

News from 2015-Present

New Consulting Rooms in St Leonards
For the convenience of our out of the region and interstate patients, we have just opened our brand new rooms in St Leonards Square.We are 300 meters or 3 minute’s walk from the St Leonards Train station. Free 1.5 hour parking under building (Set GPS to 77 Nicholson St, St Leonards, or on metered parking nearby streets.
Sydney IR Doctors taking up leadership roles
Dr Rajiv Rattan now Dean of RANZCR
Congratulations to our beloved Dr Rajiv Rattan who is elected to be the Dean of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists, the top job governing the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, setting standards, advancing knowledge, and training the young radiologists. We are so proud of you Dr Rattan.
Dr Chris Rogan now President of Interventional Radiology Society of Australasia (IRSA).
Chris has taken up this leadership role in this top organisation of interventional radiology in our region. Well done Chris, great achievement.
Dr Murthy Chennapragada.
Murthy is now the secretary of the Society for Paediatric Interventional Radiology, group of dedicated physicians who were passionate about advancing the practice of image-guided procedures in infants and children.
He has also taken up the role to be the convenor of 2023 Interventional Radiology Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting in Sydney.
UAE for Adenomyosis Audit Paper Presented in Vancouver
The clinical audit result by Dr Eisen Liang and Dr Bevan Brown on using UAE to treat uterine adenomyosis was presented in Vancouver at the Society of Interventional Radiology Meeting April 2016. The cohort of 117 patients is the largest in the English literature. Clinical success rate of 90% was achieved. Click on the link here for more information.
How to Treat Fibroids: Australian Doctor Oct 2015
Dr Eisen Liang and Dr Bevan Brown's article on How to Treat Fibroids were published in the October issue of Australian Doctor, a GP magazine that has a circulation of 20,000. In the article, Dr Liang and Dr Brown has comprehensively reviewed all fibroid treatment options with emphasis on less invasive options. Follow the link to view the article.
Dr Eisen Liang speaks on Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
On 7th September 2015, Dr Liang spoke to the SAN gynaecologists on Pelvic Congestion Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment with Ovarian Vein Embolistion. He will speak again at the the upcoming 2015 Symposium of the Australasian Sonographers Association on 19th September 2015.
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome is an under-recognised, under-diagnosed and potentially mismanaged condition. There is a long list of differential diagnosis of pelvic pain in women. Typically the pain from pelvic congestion is described as dull ache in the lower abdominal, that might radiate to the groins and the back. The onset of pain is often towards the end of a long day in upright position, standing or sitting, or after exercise especially weight lifting. There could be pain during and after sexual intercourse. The patients are often singers, dancers, gym instructors, teachers and shopkeepers. The women are often multiparous, with history of valval or leg varicose veins. Transvaginal sonography can demonstrate dilated parametrial and adnexal veins that enlarge with valsalva and bloom with colour flow. With ideal body habitus, reflux in the ovarian vein can be demonstrated at renal hilum and loin region. Left ovarian vein reflux is far more common than the right. Reflux in the internal iliac vein tributaries can constitute pelvic congestion but these might be difficult to demonstrate with transabdomenal duplex study. The definitive evaluation is by catheter venogram, performed on a tilting angiographic table with patient performing valsalva. When refluxing veins were found, they can be embolised with coils and fibrovein foam.
SIRA doctors met NHOG (Northern Haematology Oncology ) doctors on Wed night 22nd July 2015.
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SIRFLOX Study Presented at ASCO 2015
The benefits of adding SIR-Spheres to systemic chemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer in the SIRFLOX study were presented at ASCO in Chicago. Sydney Interventional Radiology has been treating liver cancer patients using SIR-spheres since 2006.
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Announcement: Interventional Radiology Services at the SAN
Over the past 10 years Dr Eisen Liang has been San’s primary interventional radiologist. During this time the demand for Interventional Radiology services has increased. The enhance and improve Interventional Radiology service at the San, Dr Liang has gathered a group in Interventional Radiologists and formed Sydney Interventional Radiology in November 2014.